Illuminating Your Home: Lumenworks Lighting Design’s Residential Lighting Solutions

Illuminating Your Home: Lumenworks Lighting Design’s Residential Lighting Solutions

When it comes to creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in your home, lighting plays a crucial role. It has the power to transform the look and feel of any space, elevating the architecture and enhancing the overall ambiance. That’s where Lumenworks Lighting Design Inc, an International Award-Winning Lighting Design Firm, steps in. With our expertise, innovation, and commitment to sustainable solutions, we offer the perfect residential lighting solution to illuminate your house like never before.

Our Mission:

For over three decades, Lumenworks Lighting Design has been at the forefront of lighting design, pushing boundaries, and redefining the possibilities. Our mission is to enhance the architecture and landscape while creating an emotional connection between people and their environment. With unparalleled expertise and a focus on sustainability, Lumenworks is committed to delivering innovative lighting solutions that seamlessly blend functionality and aesthetics.


Lumenworks Lighting Design sets the bar high by providing the highest level of sustainable and energy-efficient lighting solutions. We adhere to industry standards such as ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1, the US Green Building Council LEED Rating System, and the California Energy Commissions Title 24. By ensuring full coordination with the design team, Lumenworks eliminates conflicts in the design process and post-installation, guaranteeing a seamless experience.

One of the key aspects of Lumenworks’ approach is our advanced value engineering process. This process offers clients “unit cost” pricing and complete transparency of the entire lighting materials package, maximizing cost-savings and minimizing product ordering delays. Our expertise in product development and procurement of custom lighting fixture designs ensures that the client’s design intent is captured while saving costs—an approach that has been the foundation of our success.

SLBE – Small Local Business Enterprise:

Lumenworks Lighting Design takes pride in being an Oakland Certified Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE). This certification reflects our commitment to supporting the local community and providing their award-winning talents to all Oakland projects. By choosing Lumenworks for your residential lighting needs, you not only benefit from our expertise but also contribute to the growth and development of the local economy.

When it comes to illuminating your home, Lumenworks Lighting Design stands out as the premier choice. Our three-decade-long commitment to excellence, sustainability, and innovation has earned them international recognition and awards. By offering cutting-edge lighting solutions and ensuring seamless coordination with the design team, they bring your vision to life while maximizing cost savings. Moreover, our status as a Small Local Business Enterprise reflects our dedication to the local community. With Lumenworks, your house will shine like never before, creating a welcoming and enchanting atmosphere for you and your loved ones. Illuminate your home with Lumenworks Lighting Design’s commercial lighting solution and experience the transformative power of light.