
Location: Mountain View, CA Scope: Interior and exterior lighting and controls design for Control tower test flight simulator and NASA wind tunnel, the largest wind tunnel in the world, 80- by 120-foot, located at NASA's Ames Research Center and is large enough to test a Boeing 737 airplane;...

The following are some of the BART projects that Lumenworks has provided Lighting and Controls Designs:   BART Sustainability Lighting Upgrade, Bay Area Redesign Interior & Exterior 34 Stations Pleasant Hill / Contra Costa Centre, Walnut Creek Landscape, Plazas, Pedestrian Walkways, Building Façades, Artworks, Street Lighting,...

Our objective for the project was to create an all LED lighting and con-trols solution for the building’s exterior and site to maximize the energy savings and minimize the maintenance. This project was conceived in 2011 and required extensive research to find the most appropriate...